Bible Search

[biblesupersearch] - displays the main Bible SuperSearch application
    These attributes override the settings on this plugin.
    * interface - the name or ID of the skin to be used on the application.  
        For a complete list, and to see them in action, please visit
    * destination_url - URL to page or post where form will redirect to when submitted.
                        The destionation will need to have the <cod>[biblesupersearch]</code> shortcode.
                        Set to '' to force to current page and override the 'Default Destination Page'
    * formatButtons - Which formatting buttons to use?  Options: default, Classic or Stylable
    * navigationButtons - Which navigation buttons to use?  Options: default, Classic or Stylable
    * pager - Which pager to use? Options: default, Classic, Clean

[biblesupersearch_bible_list] - Displays a list of all Bibles available (even if not enabled)
    * verbose - Displays some extra columns on the list of Bibles (true/false)

[biblesupersearch_downloads] - Displays the Bible downloads page
    * verbose - Displays all Bibles, even if they are not downloadable. (true/false)

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